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Мужчина, 52 года, родился 29 апреля 1972
США, хочу переехать (Абадзехская, Казань, Калуга, Киев, Краснодар, Красноярск, Минск, Москва, Новосибирск, Россия, Самара, Санкт-Петербург), готов к редким командировкам
Operation Director
- Менеджер по продажам, менеджер по работе с клиентами
Занятость: полная занятость, проектная работа
График работы: полный день, гибкий график, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 24 года 7 месяцев
Июль 2018 — по настоящее время
6 лет 9 месяцев
Услуги для бизнеса... Показать еще
Senior Consultant
- Generation of pipeline projects: held talks and won 3 consultancy contracts with total amount of $2,5 mn
- Management of current projects: advised the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) on the stand-up of an internal consulting group, leading to a 22-month contract extension, while simultaneously providing strategic direction, process based due diligence on initiatives, and advisory services aimed to help the VBA achieve its strategic and tactical goals by 2025.
- Though business development activities including stakeholder, legal, business process analysis helped to increase Atlas’ scope of work VBA’s Office of Strategic Initiatives and Collaboration.
- Utilizing Lean and Six Sigma, provides advice and support to the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA).
- Through management best practices, process excellence, and change management methodologies drives the coordination of highly complex project activities and their implementation, managed to decrease of new project implementation within VBA by more than 3 times.
Май 2016 — Июнь 2018
2 года 2 месяца
Государственные организации... Показать еще
Financial analyst
- Using Six Sigma and Lean process methodologies reengineered and optimized more efficient payment processing and SAP system use for over 190 country and regional offices;
- Increase by 20% the volume and cash management capacity for payment processes, direct cash transfers, cash replenishments and urgent payment requests.
- Through the application of accounting and financial management efficiencies and actions achieved the highest customer service satisfaction rating throughout the agency at 92%.
Март 2009 — Апрель 2016
7 лет 2 месяца
Russian start-up of Hungarian-American Telemarketing Company.
• Managed on time and under budget built-out of the Russian affiliate of a US - Hungarian business.
A Boston based NGO providing consulting services around compliance in regards to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
• Developed a financial and needs based methodology and product in collaboration with Georgia Tech to prioritize spend on ADA investments over a 5 – 10 year time horizon.
An Open Society Foundations Funded Romanian NGO working with people with disabilities.
• Managed development of a fiscal and organizational strategy to diversify funding through a mix of public-private partnerships to ensure future sustainability for the organization. Over three years of implantation the applied strategy led to an increase public sector funding by over 40%.
The Pragma Corporation is an international development firm headquartered in the Washington DC area.
• Trained the six leading pharmaceutical companies within the Armenian Pharmaceutical Association to increase growth by 5 to 10% through greater access to domestic and international markets.
A Seattle-based company producing mint oils and their derivatives.
• Performed financial and market assessment for pine resin opportunity in Fiji valued at US$50 million. Developed framework plan for leveraging global market potential of resin and turpentine market to strengthen livelihoods and economic impact generation in developing economies.
Март 2003 — Апрель 2008
5 лет 2 месяца
Москва, www.jnjru.ru
Медицина, фармацевтика, аптеки... Показать еще
Senior Operations Manager
- As Senior Operations Manager in Russia created the financial model, business case and project plan for a US$2.1 million ERP platform, and SAP implementation. Forecasted to deliver full ROI in 1 year, US$5.6 million in cost savings through 2012;
- As Launch Manager in Switzerland a led Six Sigma and Process Excellence optimization project for a US$200 million product delivering a 10% reduction in lead times and change overs with 20% increased forecast accuracy, delivering US$1 million recovery of inventory carrying cost;
- As Supply Chain Optimization Manager at Janssen-Cilag’s headquarters in Belgium I was the project leader for global supply chain redesign. Reduced ex-US global inventories by US$51 million or 19%, exceeding the goal of US$36 million or 12%. Earning greens belts in Six Sigma and Process Excellence;
- Full scale life-cycle definition and rollout of forecasting and Sales and Operations Planning methodologies as well as their KPIs and performance metrics for 25 countries / affiliates;
- Created global supply chain, finance and sales processes for Janssen-Cilag operations and sales affiliates as well as built out and ran operations for Johnson & Johnson Russia’s Janssen-Cilag division.
Март 2000 — Октябрь 2001
1 год 8 месяцев
Медицина, фармацевтика, аптеки... Показать еще
Senior Business Process Engineer / Project Manager
- Delivered end to end project implementation (logistics, finance and reporting) and led “go lives” for Mentor’s European branches composed of 25 staff covering offices in four countries;
- Led ERP implementations and process improvements to improve sales reporting and monitoring to KPIs leading to increased growth by 5%;
- Provided harmonized business process design and rollout to the company’s European affiliates.
Июнь 1998 — Январь 2000
1 год 8 месяцев
Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще
Senior Project Manager
- Created sales, logistic and financial solutions for Polaroid, Ralston Purina, Mentor Corporation and MOL;
- Restored client relations with multiple partners by leading a successful “go-live” and turned $400,000 of outstanding consulting fees into a $700,000 sales win for new software and license fees;
- Project managed the recovery and rescue of an over budget / off-track Central Warehousing ERP solution for Polaroid AG, in Zurich;
- Delivered on time and under budget finance and logistic implementation for MOL Hungary’s Croatian division.
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Права категории B
Обо мне
- Certified Project Management
- Process Excellence Green Belt
- Six Sigma Green Belt
Ориентированный на результат профессионал с двадцатилетним опытом в сфере стратегических и консультативных услуг (старшие и руководящие должности). Демонстрировал профессионализм в вопросах реализации проектов, финансового надзора и контроля за соблюдением установленных требований, технического обеспечения рабочих процедур, повышения эффективности цепочек поставок и облегчения доступа на рынки. Используя методики Six Sigma и Process Excellence создал, применил и сопровождал рабочие процессы, что позволило значительно снизить затраты, оптимизировать операции, увеличить доходы и повысить производительность для международных организаций - от компаний из списка Fortune 500 до некоммерческих организаций и стартапов, а также правительства США.
Высшее образование (Магистр)
Business Administration, MBA
Universtiy of Colorado
History, BA
Знание языков
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Венгрия, США
Разрешение на работу: Россия
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения